This project which was building on the work CEEC had done in 2012 , was implemented against the backdrop of the post election violence that broke out in 2007/8 and in anticipation of the 2013 general election. The aim was to build the capacity of the youth to promote and maintain peace before, during and after the general election. CEEC worked with a total of 57 youth (both male and female) on issues of nonviolence, peaceful electioneering, respect for diversity and inter ethnic dialogue. The youth were drawn from seven informal settlements in Nairobi namely; Kibra, Mathare, Korogocho, Mukuru, Dandora, Kawangware and Kiambiu. In the run up to the March 2013 general election, the youth traversed their respective informal settlements particularly areas considered hot spots, advocating for peaceful elections and harmonious inter ethnic co-existence through travelling theatre. They also used posters, stickers, wrist bands and key rings to pass the message. In addition to the travelling theatre, the trainees also participated in talk shows in two community radio stations, Pamoja FM in Kibra and Koch FM in Korogocho with a view of spreading the message of peace to a wider constituency. During monitoring visits and evaluation of the project, CEEC learnt from both the community members and the youth themselves that the project had contributed to the peace that was experienced before, during and after the 2013 general election. Indeed some of the youth CEEC interviewed admitted to have been perpetrators of violence during the 2007 general election but in their own words, they had now become “transformers who were transforming others”.
Youth for peaceful pre and post election Kenya