About Us

Community Education and Empowerment Centre (CEEC) is a Kenyan Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) registered in 2012 that empowers communities to be actors in their own development.


An inclusive, peaceful, and equitable society.


To build community agency on peacebuilding, good governance, human rights, and gender equality for social change.


  • Trainings, seminars and awareness raising forums
  • Community dialogue and outreach
  • Research and documentation
  • Policy Dialogue and advocacy
  • Media engagement
  • Exchange programs
  • Use of theatre for social change
  • Legal aid clinics
  • Income Generating Activities (IGAs)
  • Leveraging on ICT for social change

Our Programs

Positive Masculinities

There is undisputable evidence the world over that men are the main perpetrators of violence and women are more often than not on the receiving end whether it is violence perpetrated in the private sphere or in settings of war or civil unrest.

Community Peacebuilding

Sustainable development cannot be achieved in the absence of peace and lasting peace can only be realized through the involvement of all actors within the society.

Gender and Human Rights

Kenya is a signatory to and has ratified the main International and Regional Treaties and Conventions that guarantee civil liberties.

Leadership and Good Governance

There is a clear link between bad governance/poor leadership and most of the social problems in the society which include gender based violence, marginalization and exclusion of women and youth, unemployment and high crime rates.

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What our beneficiaries say

The training on embracing diversity has opened my eyes to the role that myths and stereotypes play in advancing ethnic conflicts in the society. I commend CEEC for this peace building initiative because it is enabling people to seriously reflect on the roles, they play in advancing division in the society and the ways in which they can address the problem.

Marion Njenga

The intergender forums held by CEEC to combat gender-based violence in the informal settlements have challenged me to become a better youth, a better father and a better husband. Thank you CEEC for empowering us to be the change that the society needs.

Jack Kinyasa

The group counselling sessions on alcohol and narcotics addiction provided by CEEC have empowered me with the knowledge, strength and courage to work towards living an alcohol-free life. The support group has additionally enabled me to become more accountable by reducing my intake of alcohol.

Salma Njeri

The training by CEEC has enlightened me on the effects that socialization has in creating patriarchal leadership systems and structures. Socialization within a patriarchal setting creates a mentality in the society that leadership and decision-making roles should be reserved for men. It is therefore imperative to let go of such retrogressive beliefs and to create a society where women can participate in leadership equally with men.

George Thumbi

The intergenerational dialogues held by CEEC provided a platform to address major issues of diversity that exist in our community here in Kibra. The major take home was the reminder that we should not allow political leaders to divide us. Violence will only have repercussions for our community and not the politicians.

Jane Aoko

The tree planting exercise at Kilimani Police Station was my first encounter with the police as we engaged them using a non-violent advocacy approach. I had been in various interactions with police but not at a level where we could sit down and deliberate on issues at hand. This has boosted my confidence levels a lot and I am grateful to CEEC for enabling this to happen.

Ruth Juliet

We have realized that as parents we are doing a good job of educating both boys and girls but when it comes to leadership, we fail by denying the girl the opportunity to lead. We have let our culture dictate to us that the place of  women is in the kitchen yet we have seen that women too can lead. It is time to change our mindset, thanks to CEEC for empowering male allies for women’s leadership in Burnt Forest, Eldoret.

Godfrey Mburu

The  meeting to validate Baseline Survey findings on Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Kiambu County  allowed us to discuss challenges that the administrators are facing with regards to combating alcohol and substance abuse. The problem is pervasive and it is time that all stakeholders come together and provide solutions before we lose an entire generation of our youth.

Samuel Munene

As a beneficiary of the women’s leadership training where we learned that just like men, women too can take up leadership roles, i felt the need to sensitize my community in Tarakwa on the importance of women leadership.  I will be taking up the role of sensitizing  women particularly on how they can overcome barriers in attaining leadership positions, using positive masculinities and femininities.

Sylvia Masai

Quoting from Isaiah 11:16 “the lion shall lie down with the lamb“ after an exchange visit between village elders from Burnt Forest and those from Murang’a.

Abraham Chombir Village Elder Tarakwa Location

Prior to CEEC’s project on Active Nonviolence Advocacy against Police Brutality, we had a strained relationship with some police officers in Huruma. We could not freely move in to the station to even bail out a suspect. Thanks to the initiative of CEEC which facilitated our painting the station as we delivered a petition to address police brutality. That exercise improved our interaction with the officers within the station and we can now easily walk into the Station for any form of support.

Humphrey Omukuti

The training by CEEC on Combating Electoral Gender Based Violence through Positive Masculinities and Femininities gave me an opportunity to share my experience in politics with other women aspiring to join political leadership. The most important lesson was that whereas women face multiple barriers in their quest to earn political seats, they can overcome the barriers and take up leadership positions by ignoring the naysayers, participating in decision making processes, working with male allies and supporting fellow women in political leadership.

Margaret Keino

The training on embracing diversity has enabled me to keep an open mind as I relate with others. I have learnt that everyone’s opinion matters and that there is no need to impose one’s ideas onto others. Additionally, CEEC created a platform and gave me the opportunity to facilitate forums on embracing diversity in the community. This has given me a sense of belonging and improved my facilitation skills.

Edwin Ndeda

Communication is key to peaceful co-existence in our families and our community. Let us talk to each other and not at each other.

Peter Kuria

Latest news

Youth Civic Engagement

Youth sometimes tend to feel like complete outsiders in their country/county, which is likely to fuel frustration, unfairness and exclusion. Therefore, effective youth civic engagement must link youth aspirations with tangible solutions and provide tools for engagement. CEEC with support from GIZ-CPS is putting youths at the center of their governance in a project dubbed “Dialogue […]

Media Advocacy in Policy Dialogue

In Policy Dialogue, media engagement is important when raising awareness of issues that require public support and aids in putting additional pressure on key decision-makers. CEEC under the DKA supported Policy Dialogue project, is using media advocacy as a strategy to create awareness of the dangers of alcohol and substance abuse as well as advocate […]

Curbing Alcohol and Substance Abuse

CEEC with support from DKA Austria and in partnership with local churches is implementing an alcohol and substance abuse prevention program for teenagers in Kikuyu, Kiambu County through basic life skills training. This project is informed by findings from the 2018 CEEC baseline survey on the prevalence and effects of alcohol and substance abuse among […]

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