
Cohesion Building: Youth Promoting Respect for Diversity in Five Informal Settlements in Nairobi, Phase 2

CEEC with the support of GIZ-CPS kicked off Phase 2 of the of the Embracing Diversity project in March 2020 with a training of  22 youth from Kibra, Kawangware, Dandora, Korogocho and Mathare informal settlements . This was a follow up of  Phase 1 of the project which was implemented in 2019 bringing together  28  youth . The project sought to strengthen the capacity of youth to promote cohesion building by recognizing, resisting and condemning manipulation of diversity. Project activities were a training on respect for diversity; community conversations; radio talk shows and an Embracing Diversity Road Show. The project was lauded not only by the youth but also by community members as one whose time had come. The beneficiaries, both direct and indirect, felt that as many youth as possible need to be reached as the country inches closer to the 2022 General Election. The youth in particular felt that their peers need to understand that diversity should not divide them but rather make them strong thus the slogan“Our Diversity, Our Strength/Utofauti Wetu Nguvu Yetu”. This, they felt would contribute to the mitigation of the electoral violence witnessed every five years especially in view of the fact that informal settlements are infamous for being the main hot spots for the violence in Nairobi. In addition, it is also true that the main perpetrators are youth. Trainees from both phases came together in a joint planning meeting during which they  came up with work plans on how they would facilitate community conversations in their respective areas.