On 30th November 2017, CEEC launched the publication “Walk the Talk: A Call by Women to Electoral Duty Bearers”. This was under the GIZ-CPS supported project “Giving Women a Voice: Advocacy against Electoral Violence towards Women Candidates. The publication chronicles the experiences of 16 women who vied for Member of County Assembly (MCA) seats in Murang’a and Nairobi counties during the 2017 General Election. The aim was to amplify the women’s voices to electoral duty bearers who are charged with the responsibility of promoting women’s political participation. These duty bearers include the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), Political Parties, the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties (ORPP) and the media. Representatives from these institutions who were present during the launch were urged to play their part in ensuring that the Constitutional provisions as well as their own commitments to gender equity and equality in political processes do not remain mere undertakings on paper. The electoral duty bearers were urged to indeed Walk the Talk
Launch of “Walk the Talk”