The project Youth and Governance: Enhancing Youth Participation in the 2017 General Election through the Sauti Mtaani Platform within Nairobi County, entered the pre-election phase in 2017. This phase aimed at helping the youth make informed choices during the August 8th General Election by facilitating engagement between them and MCA aspirants through the Sauti Mtaani platform. To ensure they understood how the platform works, a total of 23 MCA Aspirants were taken through an induction process in May and June 2017. The induction process included the rationale behind the project and a practical step by step demonstration of how the Sauti Mtaani platform works. The aspirants lauded the platform as a very innovative and effective way of complementing their efforts of reaching a huge segment of the electorate. They all agreed that this is a platform that would help them easily articulate their agenda for the youth while at the same time saving them a lot of time and money since they did not have to organize physical meetings.
Induction of MCA Aspirants on the use of Sauti Mtaani