
Income Generating Activity (IGA) Project Evaluation – Burnt Forest

On 15th December 2015, at PCEA Kamuyu, CEEC conducted an evaluation of the project “Alleviating Poverty in Burnt Forest through Women’s Economic Empowerment”.  The meeting brought together 26 women from Burnt Forest and members of the Laituchu women group. The evaluation sought to assess in the short term the trainee’s grasp of new knowledge and skills, practical application of the same as well as to identify any further capacity gaps. Using observation, focus group and plenary discussions as tools of evaluation, CEEC evaluated the process, the impact and outcome of the project. The women shared their success stories, challenges, learning points and gave the following feedback:

Learning points

  • Success is progressive and not a one –off thing.
  • Nothing good comes easily.
  • Less me and more we.
  • Sacrifice and commitment is key to team success

Project outcomes

  • Improved inter-ethnic relations, cooperation and team work among the group members.
  • Improved relationships at family level especially after the male allies meeting, who are supporting and encouraging them.
  • Increased knowledge and acquisition of new skills (tailoring and beadwork).
  • An elevated status of women because of their improved position in the community thus boosting their self-esteem and worth.
  • Improved asset base for the group i.e. machines and finances.
  • Economic empowerment for the women through sale of their products.
  • Exposure and new life experiences especially after the learning visit to Sanata Women Group.
  • The topics covered in the training were very helpful because they became practical as the group embarked on working together e.g. stages of group development, group dynamics and financial management.

Tailoring and beadwork outputs (November- December)

  • 50  skirts
  • 95 petticoats
  • 122 beadwork pieces (wristbands, bracelets,)

The project realized most of its objectives including: economic empowerment for the women, gender inclusivity/participation in community development and promotion of inter-ethnic dialogue and peaceful co-existence. “This project has united us…when a Kikuyu speaks a Kalenjin understands and when a Kalenjin speaks a Kikuyu understands…we are no longer divided along tribal lines…we have become onereported one of the group members.

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