
GBV prevention and response project (Burnt Forest) – Monitoring Visits

As part of the Building the capacity of communities in Burnt Forest to prevent and appropriately respond to Gender Based Violence project, CEEC carried out monitoring field visits in the eight farms of Lingway, Kamuyu, Rukuini, Rironi/Kaplalach, Ndungulu, Chuiyat, Barekeiywo and Kagongo. The farm based visits aimed at assessing the trainees’ grasp of what they had learnt during the GBV prevention and response training held in November 2014. Each group of trainees took the lead in facilitating sessions on gender based violence and alcoholism which are the two problems they had identified as most pressing. The two are interrelated because alcoholism contributes to GBV or makes it worse and in some cases GBV perpetrated against men leads to alcoholism. The attendance of the forums was good with between 35 and 40 community members attending each forum. The trainees were able to engage those who participated in the forums and what CEEC had gathered during the needs assessment and trainings was confirmed during these monitoring visits – that GBV is a very serious problem in this area and a lot of work needs to be done with both men and women who have all internalized the vice as a norm.

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