Between November 2020 and February 2021, CEEC with support from GIZ-CPS held four series of inter gender forums within the five informal settlements of Nairobi namely; Kibra, Kawagware, Dandora, Korogocho and Mathare. The forums were under the project ‘’Promoting Peaceful Co-Existence in Nairobi’s Informal Settlements during the COVID-19 Pandemic by Combating Gender Based Violence.’’ Fourty (40) youth who went through GBV Prevention and Response training in November 2020 facilitated the forums with the support of CEEC staff. The methodology involved same sex discussions after which both male and female participants came together in plenary to share the outcomes of their discussions and strategize on the way forward. A total 600 youth from the five informal settlements participated in the forums which helped debunk some of the common myths and stereotypes relating to GBV. A key issue that emerged from the discussions was continued victimization and stigmatization of gender based violence survivors by the Police and the community in general. The youth recommended enhanced community sensitization as well as training of Law Enforcement Agents to enable them handle GBV cases more sensitively and effectively.
Inter Gender Forums on Gender Based Violence Prevention and Response within Informal Settlements in Nairobi