16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence Caravan-Informal Settlements, Nairobi

In December 2020, CEEC held a caravan to commemorate the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence within five informal settlements in Nairobi. The caravan was part of the project ‘’Promoting Peaceful Co-Existence in Nairobi’s Informal Settlements during the COVID- 19 Pandemic by Combating Gender Based Violence,’’ implemented with support from GIZ-CPS. The project was implemented against the backdrop of a spike in GBV cases during the pandemic. The caravan aimed at sensitizing the community members in the project areas to co-exist harmoniously despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic. That indeed, the enemy is COVID-19 and not each other and the community should therefore shun Gender based violence. 40 youth who received training on gender based violence led in sensitizing the community members in their respective informal settlements during the caravan which traversed Kibra, Kawangware, Dandora, Korogocho and Mathare. Through music and dance, the caravan attracted wide audiences, especially youth who were the main target group. The caravan made stop overs at strategic spots during which the youth performed skits on various GBV themes. They then engaged the audience in Q and A session to ensure the message in the skits was communicated. This edutainment mode of transmission proved very effective because it resonated with the young people.