Policy Dialogue Training- Kikuyu Sub-County, Kiambu County

With the support of HorizonT3000, CEEC conducted a policy dialogue training of 20 Community leaders from Kikuyu Sub County on 28th-30th October 2020. The training that took place at the ACK Emmanuel Church, Kikuyu, brought together stakeholders from youth groups, CSOs, religious organizations, Community Health Workers, women groups as well as other community opinion leaders from the five wards in Kikuyu Sub County namely Nachu, Kinoo, Sigona, Kikuyu and Karai. The training was informed by a Baseline Survey conducted by CEEC in 2018, on the “Prevalence and Effect of Alcohol and Substance Abuse and Effectiveness of Intervention Models in Kiambu County”. Survey findings identified one of the key challenges in addressing the problem of Alcohol and Substance Abuse as lack of proper support and response systems for those with the problem. Of particular concern was the fact that there are no public rehabilitation centres in the County and the privately owned ones are out of reach for most people due to the exorbitant charges. One key recommendation from the survey findings, which was confirmed during a validation exercise conducted in the five wards in September 2020, was the need for a public rehabilitation centre. The aim of the workshop was therefore to build the capacity of the stakeholders to conduct policy dialogue on issues of alcohol and substance abuse generally but in particular, the establishment of a public rehabilitation centre. The training equipped the leaders with the necessary knowledge and skills to engage with the policy makers. The trainees came up with a variety of strategies and approaches which included the formation of a County wide network, development of a policy brief and identification of key policy makers that they would present the policy brief to.