Door to Door Sensitization on Promotion of Women’s Leadership-Burnt Forest, Uasin Gishu County

As part of the GIZ supported project, “Combating Electoral Gender Based Violence through Positive Masculinities and Femininities in Burnt Forest”, 38 community leaders conducted a series of “door to door” campaigns between 28th September and 17th October 2020 to sensitize the community to embrace women’s leadership. The leaders who are residents of Barekeiwo, Ndungulu, Rukuini, Lingway, Kamuyu, Kagongo, Chuiyat and Kaplelach had undergone training on how to combat Electoral Gender Based Violence through Positive Masculinities and Femininities. They were now using the knowledge and skills they had gained to raise awareness within their respective areas on how to address the challenges that hinder women from getting into leadership both at the community and political levels. The trainees used T-shirts and stickers with relevant messages as advocacy tools and they were also given a booklet entitled “Understanding Gender Based Violence “for reference. A total of 729 households were reached with awareness and in recognition of the hardships the communities are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IEC materials were accompanied by face masks. The community members lauded the exercise and pledged to support women seeking leadership roles. They also asked that such awareness is sustained up to the 2022 General Election.