With support from GIZ, CEEC trained 16 male champions from eight farms in Burnt Forest namely Lingway, Rukuini, Kaplelach, Barakeiywo, Ndungulu, Chuiyat, Kamuyu and Kagongo. The training which took place on 20th to 23rd July 2020 at PCEA Church, Kamuyu was part of the project ‘’Combating Electoral Gender Based Violence Through Positive Masculinities and Femininities in Burnt Forest’. It was based on the premise that at the root of Gender Based Violence generally and Electoral Gender Based Violence in particular lie negative masculinities, rooted in a highly patriarchal culture. These negative masculinities are characterized by power and control dynamics which result in exclusion of women from important processes especially political leadership. The training helped the Male Champions understand how negative masculinities and marginalization of women hurt not only women but also men themselves as well as children. For communities and indeed entire societies to develop, it is imperative that all development processes, including political leadership be gender inclusive and one way of promoting this inclusivity is by embracing Positive Masculinities. The trainees pledged to be Positive Masculinities Champions within their respective communities. They committed to sensitize fellow men on the need to embrace healthier masculinities generally, and in particular to drum up support for women’s leadership.
Male Allies Training on Curbing Electoral Gender Based Violence through Positive Masculinities in Burnt Forest, Uasin Gishu County