On 25th October 2016 CEEC conduted an evaluation of the project Building the Capacity of Communities in Burnt Forest for gender inclusive civic engagement and participatory governance. Under the project, a total of 63 community leaders, both men and women, were trained on participatory and gender inclusive governance in July 2016. The leaders were from eight farms in Burnt Forest namely, Lingway, Kamuyu, Rukuini, Kaplelach, Ndungulu, Chuiyat, Barekeiywo and Kagongo. The trainees then conducted dialogue forums in their respective farms in October 2016 in order to sensitize other community members ahead of the general election next year. The thrust of the project is to ensure that women who are normally excluded from governance and decision making processes are able to enjoy their rights and discharge their duties and responsibilities. The project’s focus is not only the general elections but also other processes at the family and community levels. During the forums, CEEC was able to assess the trainees’ understanding of gender inclusive governance as well as skills such as facilitation, communication and mobilization. At the evaluation meeting, the trainees first assessed themselves after which CEEC gave them feedback on their performance. The evaluation was meant to help them prepare for the next set of forums which will take place in December 2016.
Governance Project Evaluation – Burnt Forest