It is true that MCAs have only three roles namely, legislation, representation and oversight. However, due to the dire need on the ground, it has been very difficult for the MCAs to strictly confine themselves to these roles. Take MCA Shadrack Juma from Baba Dogo ward for example. His ward is grossly underdeveloped despite it being home to very many industries. Indeed, the expectation would be that these industries would discharge their Corporate Social Responsibility duties and help develop the ward. Instead, some of the industries have contributed to environmental degradation among other problems faced by the residents of the ward. Issues raised on Sauti Mtaani include insecurity, poor state of roads, youth unemployment, water and air pollution as well as health problems resulting from the unclean environment. In response to the issue of roads, the MCA has mobilized resources and construction of Kariadudu, Riverside and Kasabuni road is underway.
Baba Dogo MCA going beyond the call of duty!