CEEC held an inter-ethnic dialogue training for youth from Nairobi’s informal settlements on 13th to 15th November 2012. The training which was supported by Heinrich Boll Stiftung, East and Horn of Africa Regional Office brought together 25 youth, both male and female from six informal settlements. The main objective of the training was to build the capacity of the youth to contribute to harmonious inter ethnic co-existence generally and specifically within the informal settlements especially within the context of the March 2013 general elections. The trainees have held inter ethnic dialogue forums within their respective informal settlements mainly targeting the youth. The response has been very positive with the youth calling for more of such forums. During these forums, the trainees have been screening the documentary “Heal the Nation” which is a very powerful depiction of the disastrous effects of negative ethnicity during the 2007/8 Post Election violence. After participating in the forums in the informal settlements, CEEC’s overall impression is that it is possible to avert a repeat of the 2007/8 by mobilizing youth for peace. This however means reaching out to as many youth as possible.
Inter – Ethnic Dialogue Training