Good Governance

About this Pillar
Good governance is essential for economic development and social stability. It is characterized by principles such as transparency, participation, rule of law, equity, and inclusivity. However, women and youth are least represented in governance structures and are therefore at the periphery of civic engagement. This results in social problems such as marginalization, exclusion, gender-based violence, unemployment, crime, and poverty. CEEC aims at contributing to good governance by promoting civic engagement as well as inclusive participation of all members of the society, especially women and youth, in leadership. This involves among other things strengthening the capacity of elected leaders to effectively discharge their mandate, and that of citizens, to engage in important governance processes such as, the budget making process, lobbying for accountability in the provision of essential services, dialogue forums with state authorities and civic engagement using social accountability tools. The program also empowers the citizenry to make informed decisions at the ballot through civic and voter education.
Projects Implemented
- Youth Civic Engagement with State Authorities in Nairobi’s Informal Settlements (2023-2024)
- Building the Capacity of Women MCAs from Murang’a, Nairobi and Kiambu Counties to Promote Gender Inclusive Governance (2018)
- Women and Governance: Building the Capacity of Murang’a County Assembly Women Aspirants to vie for the 2017 General Election (2017)
- Building the Capacity of Communities in Burnt Forest for gender-inclusive civic engagement and participatory governance (2016)
- Promoting Gender and Ethnic Inclusive Governance in Uasin Gishu County (2016)
- Women and Devolved Governance – Women Community Dialogue with MCAs in Murang’a County (2014)
- Women and Civic Participation: Promoting Gender Inclusive Governance in Kandara Sub County (2014)
- Youth and Devolved Governance: Enhancing Youth Participation in Devolved Governance through Sauti Mtaani Platform within Nairobi County (2013- 2017).